

Penyelidikan dan Pendidikan.

Slope Stabilisation and Rehabilitation

Penang Hill Corporation (PHC), sebagai penjaga Bukit Bendera Penang, bertanggungjawab untuk melestarikan dan memelihara ekosistem semula jadi kita dengan kesan alam sekitar yang minima. Sepanjang tahun-tahun tersebut, cuaca buruk, hujan lebat, dan hujan sesekali telah menyebabkan tanah runtuh yang tidak dapat dielakkan di pelbagai tempat di Bukit Bendera Penang. PHC memastikan pemangkasan pokok secara berkala untuk melindungi ribuan pengunjung harian daripada dahan yang terjatuh. Pasukan penyelenggaraan bukit dengan segera membersihkan halangan demi keselamatan penduduk, pengunjung, dan pendaki. Semasa keadaan cuaca buruk, pendaki dinasihatkan untuk mengelakkan aktiviti mendaki dan mengambil langkah berjaga-jaga untuk memastikan keselamatan mereka.

Sejak tahun 2017, tanah runtuh telah dikenal pasti, direkodkan, dan dikukuhkan di kawasan sekitar Bukit Bendera Penang. PHC telah mengambil langkah segera untuk melaksanakan kerja mitigasi lereng, pemantauan berkala, dan menilai kestabilan lereng tanah. Lereng yang runtuh telah dibaiki dan diperkuat melalui kerja-kerja pemantapan lereng kekal menggunakan teknik soil nailing, dinding penahan, dan peningkatan sistem perparitan. Penyelenggaraan lereng yang diperlukan dilakukan secara berkala untuk memastikan lereng adalah stabil.

From 2018 until 2021, more than 20 slope stabilization projects covering over 100 landslide locations have been repaired around Penang Hill. In 2022, slope repair work included continuously upgrading the slope maintenance and monitoring system to be more systematic. Regular slope maintenance is essential for all hill slopes classified with topographic survey plans to define local features such as slips and man-made slopes or structures. Slope data is recorded in the Slope Maintenance Manual Form issued by the Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR) “Slope Maintenance Guidelines in Malaysia, Slope Engineering Branch, JKR Malaysia, August 2006.”

One of the locations, the surrounding area of Edgecliff bungalow has been stabilized and reinforced using a soil nailing system, and the drainage system has been upgraded to enhance the safety of the vicinity around the building. This initiative aims to preserve the existing hillside area, ensuring its safety for visitors to Penang Hill. The proposed development for the Edgecliff Bungalow to be converted into a visitor gallery, was officially launched on 8 July 2022 as the Penang Hill Gallery@Edgecliff. The Edgecliff Bungalow is a state-owned category II heritage bungalow which now houses exhibits and artifacts on the biodiversity, heritage, cultural and funicular of Penang Hill.



Penang Hill Gallery@Edgecliff – officially launched on 8 July 2022

Penang Hill Gallery@Edgecliff - Funicular

Penang Hill Gallery@Edgecliff – Heritage

Penang Hill Gallery@Edgecliff – Hill View


Conservation and Preservation

Penang Hill Corporation (PHC) takes responsibility to promote, encourage, facilitate and undertake the development of economy, social and infrastructure of Penang Hill. 

Slope Stabilisation and Rehabilitation

Over the years, bad weather, heavy downpours, and intermittent rains have led to inevitable landslides at various spots on Penang Hill. PHC ensures regular tree trimming to keep thousands of daily visitors safe from fallen branches. The hill maintenance team promptly clears any hazardous obstructions for the safety of residents, visitors and hikers. During adverse weather conditions, hikers are advised to avoid hiking and take precautionary measures to ensure their safety. 

PHC has regularly carries out slope mitigation works, periodic monitoring and evaluating the stability of soil slopes. Any collapsed slopes will be repaired and reinforced through permanent slope strengthening works using soil nailing, retaining walls, and the upgrading of the drainage system. Necessary slope maintenance will also be carried out regularly to ensure stability.

From 2018 until 2021, more than 20 slope stabilization projects covering over 100 landslide locations have been repaired around Penang Hill. In 2022, slope repair work included continuously upgrading the slope maintenance and monitoring system to be more systematic. Regular slope maintenance is essential for all hill slopes classified with topographic survey plans to define local features such as slips and man-made slopes or structures. Slope data is recorded in the Slope Maintenance Manual Form issued by the Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR) “Slope Maintenance Guidelines in Malaysia, Slope Engineering Branch, JKR Malaysia, August 2006.”

One of the badly damaged areas, the surrounding area of Edgecliff bungalow was been stabilized and reinforced using a soil nailing system, and the drainage system has been upgraded to enhance the safety of the vicinity around the building. This initiative aims to preserve the existing hillside area, ensuring its safety for visitors to Penang Hill. The proposed development for the Edgecliff Bungalow to be converted into a visitor gallery, was officially launched on 8 July 2022, named the Penang Hill Gallery@Edgecliff. Edgecliff Bungalow is a state-owned category II heritage bungalow which now houses exhibits and artifacts showcasing the biodiversity, heritage, cultural and funicular history of Penang Hill.

Penang Hill Gallery@Edgecliff – officially launched on 8 July 2022

Penang Hill Gallery@Edgecliff - Funicular

Penang Hill Gallery@Edgecliff – Heritage

Penang Hill Gallery@Edgecliff – Hill View

Peta dan Zonasi

UNESCO telah menetapkan syarat untuk menetapkan kawasan Rizab Biosfera; ia perlu mengikuti komponen yang diperlukan dalam Model pengezonan Rizab Biosfera: Kawasan Teras, Zon Penampan dan Zon Peralihan.


Setiap faktor alam sekitar dalam ekosistem bergantung pada iklim, tahap kelembapan dan kandungan kelembapan tanah.

Tarikan Pelancong

PHBR area covers tourist attractions such as Penang Hill, Penang Botanic Gardens, Penang National Park, Teluk Bahang Forest Reserve, Air Itam and Teluk Bahang Dam.


Showcasing the breathtaking natural beauty from its serene landscapes to the vibrant flora and fauna, this visual journey provides a glimpse into the captivating essence of PHBR.

Rakan Kerjasama

Rakan-rakan kongsi Tapak Rizab Biosfera Bukit Bendera terkenal dengan kepakaran mereka berdasarkan kedudukan dan kepentingan bidang kuasa mereka dalam bidang masing-masing yang bersesuaian dalam penstabilan pembangunan kawasan tersebut.


In recent years, several conservation programmes and events have been conducted to raise awareness about environmental issues and promote sustainable practices.


Penang Hill Corporation (PHC) takes responsibility to promote, encourage, facilitate and undertake the development of economy, social and infrastructure of Penang Hill.

Nikmati perjalanan dengan kereta api funikular ke puncak Bukit Bendera dan saksikan pemandangan panorama menakjubkan Pulau Pinang dan laut sekitarnya.

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